Taqwa Ramadan Taqwa Ramadan


Your gray sweatpants

Her, her, and her.

And, “come hither.”

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Taqwa Ramadan Taqwa Ramadan

fluttering leaves and fleeting feelings

The cicada’s call in the day and the rain’s fall in the night— I wind down and settle into acceptance. The buzz of Summer fades as I squeeze every last drop of its carefree, like chlorine in my hair. The sun could never burn my melanin. My skin is thick. But sometimes things get stuck under it. Sometimes, I just want to crawl out of it. Outside, patience awaits me. I will savor the heat and my iced coffee and sit in my car a little longer and a lot more than that of concern to my neighbors. And as for my home— it will be stripped to its core until I can retreat to warmth again. Be bare— be one with the trees. Fall.

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